LinkedIn; The Good, The Bad, and The Annoying

The Staying Power of Retro Games
Business Internet


The Staying Power of Retro Games

Retro games have this odd sort of draw on people, even those who do not consider themselves “gamers.” These games have achieved legendary status.

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Remembering John McCain | 2


Remembering John McCain | 2

Remembering the life of John McCain. His service to his country lasted over sixty years. His family is in our thoughts and prayers

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Energy Deregulation and The Big 3
Business Internet


Energy Deregulation and The Big 3

Energy deregulation is picking up speed across multiple markets and providing a cheaper way for customers to get electricity.

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City Lights Got Nothin’ on Country Nights
Deals & Packages


City Lights Got Nothin’ on Country Nights

You’ve packed up your things and moved your family away from the BIG City out Rural Town, U.S.A. Then you realize, “What do we do for high-speed internet?”

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The 3 Laws of Starting a Streaming Service
Business Internet


The 3 Laws of Starting a Streaming Service

Apple, and Disney, have been teasing their streaming services for some time. Instead of launching, they're following 3 laws for starting a streaming service

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3 Things to Know about Rise Broadband


3 Things to Know about Rise Broadband

There's the big players in the ISP industry with their usual technology. Then there's Rise Broadband; gaining ground doing it at a fraction of the cost.

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3 Reasons Hulu is Helping Disney


3 Reasons Hulu is Helping Disney

Hulu is going to be owned by Disney soon. Good news for Disney, if they're okay with losing $1 billion. Yet, Hulu is actually helping them. Here's how...

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Remembering John McCain


Remembering John McCain

Senator John Sidney McCain III passed away. A Republican senator from the First District of Arizona, John McCain served for thirty-five years.

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3 Reasons Walmart is NOT the Little Shop Around the Corner


3 Reasons Walmart is NOT the Little Shop Around the Corner

Walmart is ramping up its arsenal against Amazon by launching an eBook store. Walmart, and its partners, are proving they're big contenders.

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5 Ways to Stop Teddy Maynard
Business Internet


5 Ways to Stop Teddy Maynard

Called "The Ad LIbrary," Google is tracking political ads across its platforms to increase transparency. This is bad news for Teddy Maynard.

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4 Things to Know about Podcasts
Business Internet


4 Things to Know about Podcasts

The internet is full of information that’s fighting for your attention. The simplest ways to put your own content out there is to create your own podcast.

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3 Superheroes Missing from the Marvel Cinematic Universe


3 Superheroes Missing from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Who hasn’t seen the latest Avenger’s Film? After ten years, Marvel’s Cinematic Universe is getting a shakeup. But Marvel is missing a few superheroes still.

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4 Things to Know About Data Science
Business Internet


4 Things to Know About Data Science

Data science is a growing field with rich opportunity. But what is it? And how can it be applied to nearly eveyr industry?

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4 Pros and Cons of Google Coach


4 Pros and Cons of Google Coach

Google is already working on a grammar checker for their Google Docs, and displaying data in all their searches. Now Google is rolling out Google Coach.

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Has Disney Lost the Streaming War?
Business Internet


Has Disney Lost the Streaming War?

As Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu continue to expand their streaming services, other players are getting involved too. But where, oh where, is Disney’s?

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Digital Literacy; Seeing Through Technology
Business Internet


Digital Literacy; Seeing Through Technology

Digital technology is an amazing thing, but not without its dangers. To protect ourselves, we need to learn digital literacy.

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3 Ways the Writers' Room is Changing
Business Internet


3 Ways the Writers' Room is Changing

When it comes to television, the success of a show hinges on writers in the writers' room. And these wrtiers' rooms are getting smaller.

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3 Reasons Cloud Gaming Will Be Awesome


3 Reasons Cloud Gaming Will Be Awesome

Electronic Arts has revived the dream of cloud gaming with their Origin Access Premiere. Here's 3 reasons why it will be awesome!

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4 Things to Know about CBS
Business Internet


4 Things to Know about CBS

CBS is experiencing some amazing growth…and a couple of serious problem. There's good news, but will it be enough to outweigh the bad news?

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Walmart V. Amazon: Is it Good for You?
Business Internet


Walmart V. Amazon: Is it Good for You?

Why would Walmart compete against Amazon? They’re both large companies that make a good profit, so why compete? And why would it be good for You?

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2 Good and 2 Bad Things About Google’s New Data Journalism Feature


2 Good and 2 Bad Things About Google’s New Data Journalism Feature

Researching for an article, though necessary, is tedious and at times mind-numbing. Google's going to help out with a new data journalism feature.

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3 Ways Theater Chains Can Combat Netflix
Business Internet


3 Ways Theater Chains Can Combat Netflix

Theaters have been steadily losing to streaming services. Now big movies are coming to streaming services. Here's three ways theaters they can compete.

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5 Tech Must-Haves for Your College Dorm Room


5 Tech Must-Haves for Your College Dorm Room

Soon classes at your local college will start. Here are five tech must-haves for dorm living to get the most out of your college experience.

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The Future of Satellite Internet Hinges on 3 Factors
Business Internet


The Future of Satellite Internet Hinges on 3 Factors

As cool as satellite internet is, there are a lot of complaints with it. But what if there was better technology? What if it wasn't about technology at all?

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5 Ways to Check Facebook Campaigns


5 Ways to Check Facebook Campaigns

Facebook found and banned 32 pages linked to "inauthentic behavior." With fake news becoming more and more prevalent, how can we guard against it?

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4 Great Things Coming to AMC Networks
Business Internet


4 Great Things Coming to AMC Networks

AMC Networks is going to be getting bigger, and better. Here's four great things coming to AMC Networks, and they all involve murder.

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Is Facebook Losing Altitude?
Business Internet


Is Facebook Losing Altitude?

Facebook is having more tough times. Last week their stock dropped 19%, resulting in a net loss of $119 Billion. Is this the end for Facebook?

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6 Factors to Picking the Right Headphones


6 Factors to Picking the Right Headphones

Listening to music, audiobooks, or podcast, you’re probably going to need a pair of headphones. Consider these six factors as you search for your next set.

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Google Gets a Grammar Check
Business Internet


Google Gets a Grammar Check

For those without a Microsoft 365 account, Google Docs does a passable-to-decent job of creating a document. It doesn't have a grammar check feature...yet.

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Ready Player One Review


Ready Player One Review

Ready Player One earns the title of “Holy Grail of pop culture references” many times over. But is it better than the book it's based on?

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